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The Little Prince: a book that changes my life


About two years ago I had a moment of despair that pushed me to distance myself from everything and everyone.
Some people, however, shared that moment with me and were close to me.
One of them recommended me a book, “The Little Prince”. I had read it as a child but the words remained in my mind as a simple story.

At the age of 25, those lines, that simple story, took on a profound meaning that perhaps really helped me find that tasteful grip that changed my life. If you haven’t already read it, I suggest you buy it right away.

What The Little Prince taught me

È sorprendente come ogni volta che leggo qualche pagina di questo libro mi aiuta a vedere quello che sta succedendo nella mia vita, tutto prende forma e diventa più chiaro.

Ho cominciato a leggerlo stando seduta sull’entrata di un caravan nella mia stagione al Camping Village Mediterraneo e circondata da persone che, insieme a me, condividevano una bellissima esperienza.

“It is the time you have lost for your rose that makes it important […]
It is she who I watered, whom I placed under a glass dome, whom I heard complaining or bragging and, at times, also remain silent ”.

This is an often forgotten thing, to invest the time in building truly special relationships. Only by spending time with people can we get to know them and create a unique bond that will be able to resist all the problems encountered in life.

These are the moments that will remain in your heart and that you will always remember.

And The Little Prince teaches a lot in this!

“You can only see well with the heart.
What is essential is invisible to the eye”.

Never focus on the external aspect because it is only through the heart that we are able to discover important things about people, real, important things that are often hidden.

The best thing is when we manage to lower the barriers, not only those of others towards us but, above all, ours towards the world.

When you see your trust in relationships with others grow, you discover another way to live relationships.

The last thing, and perhaps the truest and most important that I discovered, is to love unconditionally while respecting one’s own individuality and that of the other person.

I really understood that we can be built by being two separate people.

“It is necessary to demand from each one only what he can give.
Authority is based above all on reason “.

We must always consider the dreams and needs of those around us because we would like the same thing.

These are the little things that manage to give me consistency in everything I do.

Since I read The Little Prince with a much broader vision, I see everything from a deeper and more heartfelt perspective.

For this reason, by now, the first thing that is never missing in my suitcase is a copy of “THE LITTLE PRINCE” 💙

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